Rediscovering slow travel
14 September 2012 – 21 July 2013
Über die Wiederentdeckung des langsamen Reisens
Pilgrimages are booming – so is the pilgrim industry, and the prospects are looking good. Today there is a lot of talk about the inner search for peace, contemplation, and truth. Santiago de Compostela welcomes nearly 200,000 pilgrims each year and other pilgrim routes are also experiencing high growth rates. Travel agents offer spiritual packages, while cities and regions are eagerly developing their pilgrim infrastructure and opening new routes. But why do people go on a pilgrimage? Just because it makes you feel good? Pilgrimages, lodged between religious duty and the search for self, are not restricted to any specific religion or confession. They offer people the chance to find out who they really are and to feel the presence of God. Regardless of the fact that pilgrimage has a lot to do with commercial interests, ‘slow travel’ is very much in fashion. Reason enough for staging an exhibition on the topic.